Trust Is An Absolute


When it comes to key attributes that fuel authentic relationships,”Trust” stands out as the rare absolute.

Simply put, without complete trust, you can never be truly connected.

Relationships deprived of authentic connection are doomed to suffocate in the sterile confines of disillusionment and narcissism.

A true relationship is ultimately a dance of mutual vulnerability that, in tandem, welcomes a mutual advancement beyond the confines of what is “comfortably numb” to secure the rapturous terrain  of the indefinably Unknown.

Together; as a unit, each is partner is validated and witnessed within the promising halo of their greater soul. And together they launch undauntedly onto the task of unwrapping the knots that bind their greater selves.


– ❤ Is

© bb – all rights reserved – licensed for use on



Like Breathing

It is like breathing.

Is breathing taking breaths or releasing them?
In truth, it is the totality, free of any hierarchy for the elements of expression.
It is similar with TRUE LOVE.

You learn to stop filtering your perceptions in terms of “giver” and “receiver”, as these categories are a clumsy facsimile for the energetic synergy truly at play.

– (<3 is)

© bb – all rights reserved – licensed for use on



Love Sick?

If you find yourself hopelessly in love with another soul, it is because a truth in that someone’s soul carries an important lesson that your soul desires to expand to. There is something about yourself that your soul desires to grow towards and expand to so that you may may uncover fuller aspects of your own soul’s truth.

Many people confuse such infatuation with a creative urge for a physical exchange, rather, the masters have imparted that within spirit this means that you are being called to expand in understaning your own soul’s by coalescing with a fuller creative truth through further spiritual development.


© bb – all rights reserved – licensed for use on

Intimacy is Calling


While embracing life, the most important spiritual factor is always the degree of intimacy. The great masters were always maintaining a state of great intimacy when engaging in all of life. Many call this intimacy bliss, but in our present lexicon of western culture, it is important to call this eternal state of beingness, “intimacy”, as it best illuminates its achievable coordinates.

In ancient times, natural living was more reliant upon natural cycles and community. Therefore, the notion of sharing an intimacy in heart and mind with one another was ostensively a more natural occurrence. But within our present time and culture, we tend to grow more callous and distant from each other, we underline our differences on ways that foster contention and hierarchy. In this context, connecting through a consciousness of intimacy with another may seem rare, if not unnatural.

The spiritual teachers were always very intimate with all that they engaged in. For example, when they would eat, they would enter into an intimate almost quantum awareness of the vibrations of energy emanating from the food that they were eating. They would take time to add to the grace of the moment to best amplify its potential. They would consecrate their eating by orchestrating states of appreciation and joy that would lift to higher octaves of connectivity and embrace with all of creation. They inhabited a space where the walls of divide implode and there arises a clarity & connection with the essential unity within all things. They would live their lives inhabiting a space of intimacy, because as luminaries that were engaged in life in ways that transcend linear definition, they recognized that as a race we are most powerful in our intimacy.

 © bb – all rights reserved – licensed for use on