“BH” Tzav

This week’s Torah portion Tzav translates into English “Command” is about G-D commanding Israel to offer their sacrifices. a command is given to us by G-d to spur a person on… “Greater is one who is commanded and performs than one who is not commanded and performs, “for the one who is commanded must overcome his evil inclination. (Rabbi Herschel of Cracow)

“BH” Vayikra

this week’s Torah Portion Vayikra translates to:
“and he called”…and G-d called onto Moses. why does it emphasize that: and G-D called onto Moses. Moses was the only prophet in the Bible that saw G-d face to-face . this teaches us that when we have such a connection with a person…we tend to take for granted that we can just barge in on them any time…at our hearts desire because we have a bond. Moses teaches us that even though G-d chose Moses as the leader of the Jewish people… Moses did not have a sense of entitlement… he still kept his awe… when it came to G-d calling upon him. G-d chose Moses because he was the humblest of all men. when a man chases after honor and glory… honor and glory shuns him. when he doesn’t chase after honor and glory… honor and glory pursue him.

“BH” Pekudei

Pekudei is translated into English to: Amounts of.
This weeks Torah portion relates to Moses being entrusted by G-d to collect all the contributions from the nation of Israel toward the building of the Sanctuary. although Moses was not obligated to disclose the amounts each person contributed. he gave a forensic accounting of exactly.. to the penny what was used in the building of the Holy Temple. this teaches us that it is not enough to think that we are being accountable in our own mind. we are accountable to G-d for every move we make.