Rosh Hashana begins a 10 day personal reflection which ends on Yom Kippur. As Rosh Hashana quickly approaches, it is time for all of us to reassess our goals and our dreams. We look at our past achievements, our failures, the good times, and the bad. Most importantly, we look for improvement in the days ahead of us.
This past year was a whirlwind for me. Professionally; I completed 100 hours of a Family Mediation internship, I became a presenter at the Ontario Family Court, and I trained as a Certified Divorce Coach. My Coaching training specifically taught me how to help others become unstuck, how to conquer their doubts, their fears, and how to find the tools to become their best selves. All of which really resonates with what we need to do on Rosh Hashana.
What most people do not recognize is that in order to move forward more successfully and positively, they need to embrace a place of discomfort. We need to own up to our misgivings, our wrongs, and to accept that we need to try uncomfortable things in order to get to that place of success. If we do not feel this discomfort; we will remain stuck in the places that we want to move away from, and we will ultimately repeat our same mistakes. Essentially, we need to have self awareness in regard to our shortcomings, and we need to adjust our behaviors and reactions accordingly.
So this Rosh Hashana, think of three areas where you wish to grow and/or improve. Consider what you will need to do to get there and take the steps to do it. Move out of your comfort zone. It is the only way that you can move forward positively.
My final thought – I want to wish everyone of my readers a sweet, healthy, and prosperous New Year (with the added bonus of finding love, of course).
Shana Tova,

BA (Soc), BSW (hon), MSW, RSW
Psychotherapist, Family Mediator
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