Recipe for Peace

The premise of spirituality is that all of creation is a synergetic dance. Its’ ebb and flow drives perpetual exchange. Every giver is simultaneously receiving, and every receiver is simultaneously giving. While one process is achieved overtly, the other remains shrouded in mystique. Spirituality is the discipline for pulling back the curtain of mystery in ways that restore the architecture of the balance into realization.

Consider someone who gives a gift to another. To the untrained eye the receiver is returning nothing in exchange. However, a seasoned spiritualist realizes that the receiver is extending the gift of giving. By granting the gift of giving to the giver, the receiver bestows a gift that is spiritually affirming.Most relate to the Divine as a benevolent giver of life. When someone is afforded a gift of giving, they are being extended a medium through which they can incorporate an active flow of this aspect Divinity. Spiritually, this equivalence of expression activates a shared vibrancy; a powerful wavelength for creative eros. This momentum propels the giver closer to the Divinity of their own soul. This is why giving warms the heart. It is why despite being wired by evolutionary circuitry that awards conquest, the spirit of humanity continue to arise with a generous spirit.

Spiritualists see receiving in a very different way than the common man. They see receiving as a playing a constructive role in amplifying the underlying unity. When receiving, they focus their heart’s intention to dedicate the act in ways that spiritually affirm respective roles contributing to interconnectedness. This honouring of the respective roles that together imbue diversity with a realized spirit of the “whole”. This spiritual recipe for wholeness can be called “harmony”, “balance”, “beauty”; but most fundamentally for our times, “peace”.


For our world to achieve a lasting peace there needs to be an internal appreciation of the sacred roles respective parties contribute towards setting conditions for authentic expression and meaningful achievement. This appreciation, prepares conditions for authentic exchange and cross-polinization that bridges the honour of nations, peoples and cultures. It is an appreciation that creates the space for greater communion and spiritual interdependence. It affirms the trust that cultivates transformation through the mutual surrender involved in growing into becoming part of something so much more.


This should seem familiar, as this is also the nature of true love. A love that is not vulnerable can never be true love, as it lacks the very soul of reciprocal trust. Love requires a mutual surrender, a levelling of the definitions of selfhood to evoke the greater spirit with the transcendent. This is why lasting relationships require for each partner to honour the spirit of what the other is extending. It is only in this way that each will continue to inspire growth within each other. They become more than a romantic pairing, but rather help-mates for cultivating a spirit that is greater than each of their respective intrinsic assets. This involves a dedication to realization. The realized honour and trust secures the conditions for mutual vulnerability that summons the greater spirit of the whole.

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Marital Bliss?

From spiritual standpoint, marital relationships are designed to help coax you to a greater proximity of True Love.

Through the experience of True Love’s unconstitutionality you awaken to beauty hidden within your own soul. A SoulMate has the ability to awaken in their partner these unexpressed, but inherent qualities just by standing in the sheer essence of their inner soul’s passion.

Well beyond the “give and take” of worldly considerations and conquests, it is this kind of spiritual synergy that blesses a marriage with deep awe and inspiration for greater meaning of what it means to be human.

ღ Is

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Love Sick?

If you find yourself hopelessly in love with another soul, it is because a truth in that someone’s soul carries an important lesson that your soul desires to expand to. There is something about yourself that your soul desires to grow towards and expand to so that you may may uncover fuller aspects of your own soul’s truth.

Many people confuse such infatuation with a creative urge for a physical exchange, rather, the masters have imparted that within spirit this means that you are being called to expand in understaning your own soul’s by coalescing with a fuller creative truth through further spiritual development.


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Intimate Surrender


It is about true love and intimacy, and if a soul bares residue expressions of shame, then these de-facto stifle one’s own advance, and hamper one with feelings of inadequacy.

The more one remains linear minded about their trajectory, the more one will find themselves thwarted by feelings of being unworthy and in deficit. Even slight traces of shame, boil to the fore in the face of ascending to such gloriously intimate levels of being. Personal judgments, and their fetishes for parsimony, weigh heavily upon the soul climbing tiers of greater consciousness and push its own progression back down to lower and baser vibratory fields of expression. These souls then find themsleves too ashamed to warrant such intimacy, and become conflicted with feelings that they are benefitting so much and having had contributed so very little.

On this context, they cannot adequately justify their own existence. In romantic terms, this is akin to lovers that feel compelled to close their eyes when exchanging expressions of unabashed intimacy, finding themselves incapable of sharing eye to eye as equals.

This is because their heart does not know the soul language of true love, which is essentially unconditional, and occupying the more intimate spaces in proximity to creations’ benevolent source. Without this vital chord of expression, a soul is destined to become stuck in cycles of feelings of inadequacy, anger, callousness or atrophy.

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