1. Please know that you are not a fifth wheel. If you have been invited as a guest to a Passover Sedar, let me remind you that the Haggadah states “Let all come and eat”. So, know that you are welcome and enjoy the holiday.
2. Feel free to ask questions. Don’t be shy. Ask about the dress code, the time, the other guests, etc. Passover is an occasion where questions are welcomed.
3. Offer to bring something. Offer to bring a side dish, a dessert, but ask your host/hostess first. Guests may have food allergies or perhasp an 18th dessert may not be warranted.
4. Host/ Hostess gifts: Who doesn’t like receiving presents? Some ideas include a pretty matzah cover, Passover truffles, a nice bottle of Passover wine, the options are many. One thing I advise against though are fresh cut flowers unless they are already pre- arranged in a container. Your host/hostess does not have time to play florist. They are busy!
5. Come with an open mind. No two sedars are alike as all families have different traditions and personalities.
6. Be prepared to be offered to be set up on dates by well-meaning guests: While Aunt Shirley may present as your host/hostesses crazy aunt, she may just have the perfect person for you. Give potential matchmaking a chance because you just never know.
Happy Passover friends. All the best to you and yours.

BA (Soc), BSW (hon), MSW, RSW
Psychotherapist, Family Mediator
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