Purim: What It Teaches Us

Happy Purim friends. I hope that everyone has the chance today to indulge in eating delicious hamentashen, and in taking the time to enjoy our Jewish Mardi-gras.

In the story of Purim, Mordechai’s beautiful niece Esther won a beauty contest at King Ahasuerus’ castle, and she quickly became his second wife. She proved herself to be more than just a pretty face by proving to her husband that Haman, the evil Prime Minister was plotting to kill the Jewish people. The King then had Haman killed, and he gave his blessings to the Jewish people to protect themselves against their enemies.

So, how does all of this relate to dating and to relationships? From what I see, there is a clear message here for both men and for women. Firstly, make sure that you seek out more than a pretty face. Outward beauty fades, but intelligence lasts forever. Secondly, hold on to your truth. Seek out a partner that you can be yourself with, and who is respectful of your opinions.

Once again, have a Happy and Festive Purim.




Sometimes I want to be like my mother

A woman of yesterday.

And then I want to be a woman of today.

I do not want to be a superwoman, do not want to be a woman that does every thing to please others and she is empty inside.

I do not want to have a career and raise three children at the same time, do not want to be a loving partner and everyone will be happy with me except me ..

I want to have time to myself .

I want that everything will be in the right size for me, not for my husband or for my girlfriends or for anyone else, just for me!

I do not want others to be said about me : “wow … what a good and sucssesfull woman and a great partner”.

I want to be Pleased with myself, to except my self as who I am !

There are days when housekeeping and cleanliness makes me more satisfied than any glorious career, raises my energy and makes me the most healthy in the world. , Healthy on myself and not on anyone else!

I do not want my partner to be pleased with me because I’m going according to what he thinks is right.

 I want to listen to myself and understand myself to be content with myself.

Being once the little woman and once the mastermind to be a full-time mother and once half-time, want the freedom to choose to be who I really a!

To choose for myself what makes me feel good without economic considerations without considerations at all.

 only with considerations of the right to choose my life.

Thanks .

I’m here to guide you to a better relationship with yourself.