this week’s Torah portion Beshalach translates to; “when he let go” literally “in having sent” which addresses the partying of the Red Sea for the Nation of Israel and the drowning of the pursuers. G-D had spoken to the Red Sea upon it’s inception and instructed the Sea in advance to split for the Nation of Israel. if the Sea would not have complied… the whole chapter would have been erased from Hashem’s Torah as if it never existed. the Israelites saw all the miracles that G-D had done for them… and as long as things were going well… they took it all in… when things went south… they complained that it was better in Egypt… at least they knew what to expect… slavery and all…it’s not enough to be free on a physical level… we have to be free from a spiritual perspective to break the shackles of everyday life in  this mundane world…

‘BH’ Beshalach