My name is Bosmat Perry , I live in herzelya Israel.
I am 48 years old. happily Married with 3 daughters.
I am expert to relationship , especially with in our self.
AND MY MOTO IN LIFE IS ; when you good to your self, you are good to the world.
Today I want to talk about the difference between us , and how I treat my family especially my children and my husband and also my dear patients.
“Train a lad in the way he ought to go
This verse, from Book of Proverbs, is so smart
and true .
It comes to tell us that there is no one person similar to another and basically everyone has the way he goes and what suits him.
Therefore there is no point in comparison,
Everyone has their own talents and the way they
can be reached and not everything that suits me suits you.
That’s how I treat the patients that comes to me.
First of all, I’m getting to know them about all
their behavior patterns and the way they think, and then match the exact right treatment
plan for them.
There are some that thanks to the insights I
gave them makes a break through. when they open their hearts to me , the token falls and development
process starts.
some will get practical cognitive tools and use them to make a progress, and for others I will reflect their inner self in the mirror and that will be enough for them to make the change.
all these ways will get them to self acceptance and love.
Any path you choose whether long or short,
winding or straight, together we will find the right way for you.
I’m here to guide you to a better relationship with yourself.

love and relationship expert